Integrating Physical Intimacy & Couples Therapy
Lakewood, NJ
Date: January 27, 2019
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Place: Chemed 1771 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Cost: Earl bird: $199
Regular: $220
Walkins: $240
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Presenter: Zoya Simakhodskaya, Ph.D.
Dr. Zoya is on the faculty of the NYU School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry where she taught and supervised psychology externs and interns, psychiatry residents and medical students. Currently Dr. Zoya teaches and supervises staff of the new NYU Military Family Clinic that provides services to returning veterans and their families. Zoya is also an adjunct clinical supervisor at City University of New York Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology and at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University. Zoya continues to lecture on topics including risk assessment, crisis intervention, and Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT). She is one of the founding members and currently the Vice President of the Board of Directors and the Chair of the Education Committee at the New York Center for EFT, an organization dedicated to fostering the development of EFT-trained couples therapists in the region. In addition, she trains and supervises therapists learning EFT in Russia.
Workshop Description: From the perspective of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), healthy sexuality in a long-term relationship is built on the foundation of attachment security. Yet therapists cannot assume that helping a couple create a more secure bond will automatically lead to a better sexual relationship. Sexual issues often remain unresolved unless they are directly addressed, and most couples therapists lack specialized skills in sex assessment and intervention.
Therapists must be able to move between the relational and sexual systems to help the couple be aware of how they can negatively impact each other, which then creates emotional and sexual distance.
This clinically focused workshop will show you how to do a thorough assessment of the negative relational and sexual cycle so you can skillfully use EFT interventions to help a couple move toward deeper connection. Clear video case examples will demonstrate how to integrate psycho-educational and behavioral sex therapy interventions while at the same time continue building a more secure bond through increased vulnerability. The lecture will include the latest research on sexuality, age-related changes, and diversity.
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Course Objectives:
- Define different, new models of sexual response
- Identify negative cycles around sexual issues during de-escalation
- Describe Strategies of integrating sex therapy into EFT for couples
- Apply techniques of sexual assessment in EFT treatment in couples therapy
- Explain how to effectively create more emotionally secure bonding in couples specifically relating to greater sexual fulfillment